Wednesday 23 May 2012

Save Leyton Marsh: Dog Taken Ill After Being Chemically Poisoned After Walk At Olympics Site

I've just read on Twitter that there are reports of 3 dogs being poisoned after walking on Leyton Marsh, so I'm urging anyone who is using the very popular dog walking area in East London to be very careful.

In an open letter to the authorities, local businesses and local vets, Save Leyton Marsh writes...

"A dog who drank water on 18th May from a puddle at Leyton Marsh, next to the Olympic GTTV Basketball construction site, has fallen ill and a vet has diagnosed the animal as suffering from ‘chemical poisoning’. This appalling incident, the cause of which is not yet known, only adds to the fears of local people about Leyton Marsh, the now dreadfully damaged open access green space. Following the leasing of the land by the Lee Valley Regional Park to the Olympic Delivery Authority, and Waltham Forest Council’s highly unpopular and environmentally-nonsensical decision to permit a three-storey-high building to be constructed and then demolished on it, costly and unplanned special measures are now being sought to repair the damage and enable the land to be “reinstated” by 15th October."

You can read the rest of the letter and join the campaign to save one of the areas only green spaces here:

(Disclaimer: This blog and Save Leyton Marsh in no way infers or implies that the chemical poisoning of the dog was caused by any actions of the authorities, companies or councils mentioned in this letter).

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